Thu, 26 Jul
"SMILE-A WEAPON OF MASS CONSTRUCTION" by Jango Edwards and Claudia Cantone
This unique event proposed by Jango Edwards and Claudia Cantone consists of a 5-day intensive training course of 3 basic steps: The Beast in You, Comic Formulas, and finally the creation, construction, production and performance by the "Fools Militia", a street theater animation unit.
Orario & Sede
26 Jul 2018, 15:00 – 29 Jul 2018, 19:00
Trani, 76125 Trani BT, Italia
This unique event proposed by Jango Edwards and Claudia Cantone consists of a 5-day intensive training course of 3 basic steps: The Beast in You, Comic Formulas, and finally the creation, construction, production and performance by the "Fools Militia", a street theater animation unit. This masterclass series will culminate with a street theater presentation of the “Fool Militia”. performed by those artist assembled.
For information and registration contact Michele Galgani:
339.4827099 - galganius@gmail.com