Clown Workshop
This lab is preliminary to the workshop "Clown Chi 2 - The Magical Path of 5 Sense" and it is composed of four fundamental stages, which help the participant to dissolve any emotional blocks and re-balance the flow of energy, to find a space of inner silence.
Duration two days - 6 hours a day for a total of 12 hours.
Maximum number of participants: 15
CLOWN CHI 2 - The Magical Path of 5 Senses
It is a sensory lab, which focuses on the body dimension. The lab takes place in a natural setting that stimulates the 5 senses by a series of situations and objects, made available by the natural environment itself. This workshop can also take place in a closed space, where it is possible to use a sensorial path built with natural elements.
Duration three days - 6 hours a day for a total of 18 hours.
Maximum number of participants: 15
WHITE NOSE - When the Moon dreams
This is a trip to remember what we forgot and lost of our original rhythm from the womb. The writings of the ancient shamans and mystics clowns, together with secrets of their teachings, will be revealed.
(by Jango Edwards & Claudia Cantone)
Duration three days - 6 hours a day for a total of 18 hours.
Maximum number of participants: 15
THE GARDEN OF SMILES - Clown and innocence
This workshop is aimed at all those, beginners and not, who want to experience the “state of innocence” of a Clown, to rediscover the most childish and the most instinctive sides of themselves.
Duration two days - 6 hours a day for a total of 12 hours.
Maximum number of participants: 15
CLOWNRISE 1 - Clown and emotions
Clownrise 1 is a laboratory on the art of navigating our emotional currents through the clown mask.
When a Clown shares his emotions, getting in return laughter from the audience, proves that his emotional universe is a precious treasure because it causes those laughter. Every human being has this treasure.
Duration three days - 6 hours a day for a total of 18 hours.
Maximum number of participants: 15
CLOWNRISE 2 - Totem and emotions
The identification with your own animal makes it possible to perceive the world differently and look at it from other perspectives, thus enabling the achievement of dimensions that would otherwise be inaccessible. The use of Totems helps us to enter the emotional states more easily because, through them, we can take distance from the personal experiences and play with the emotions in a more fluid and funnier way.
Duration two days - 6 hours a day for a total of 12 hours.
Maximum number of participants: 15
This workshop will look at the basics of the jester art. His grotesque body recalls an unknown and different world that is feared, as the unknown is. Its presence is essential for the functioning of society. With his deep, satirical and pungent comedy, he reminds us, , that everything can change in a moment and that this change is only an opening to new ways of understanding life.
Duration three days - 6 hours a day for a total of 18 hours.
Maximum number of participants: 15
BUFFOONS 2 - Sacred Clown
The title"Sacred Clown - The upside down world" metaphorically indicates the way to act and to think "backwards" of the sacred Clown, called also "Heyoka" in some redskin Indian tribes. The goal of the course is to learn, to know and use our own Buffoon, carefully exploring the characteristics of the sacred Clown, to accept and integrate our opposite sides with irony, and to find a new ways of “being in the world”.
Duration three days - 6 hours a day for a total of 18 hours.
Maximum number of participants: 15
THE BEAST IN YOU by Jango Edwards and Claudia Cantone
Going back to the basics of evolution and a clown rebirthing. Jango takes you on a primitive voyage to reclaim the true freedom you possessed at birth but over the years surrendered to fear. Today clown is not about progression but regression.
Duration 4 days - 5 hour a day for a total of 20 hours.
Maximum number of participants: 20
Life is a game! It's not about winning it's about giving by living. The basis of this forum is founded on reclaiming freedom through fun and play. This method will help the participants to know the clown archetypes and to understand the clown structures trought the art therapy, finding the material of creation from their imaginary. Are you ready to play? You are the game!
Duration 3 days 7 hour a day for a total of 21 hours
Maximum number of participants: 15
Who among us has not wondered, at least once in their life, if there are aliens? Well, always following the clown language code, in this session we can find out!
We will get in touch with our alien side, through an art therapy session and we will then bring comically on stage!
Duration 5 days 6 hour a day for a total of 30 hours
Maximum number of participants: 15
The intensive creation workshop to investigate and discover your personal clown and the prosody of your body. The body is the "designated place", where humor, play and emotions are expressed rhythmically (prosody), creating a magical and poetic dialogue with the audience. At the end of the 4-day itinerary, the artists will present a cabaret performance, originating from the work done during the entire seminar.
Duration 5 days 8 hour a day for a total of 40 hours
Maximum number of participants: 10