Clown and Art Therapist
I am art therapist and clown, over the years I have developed my original method of creation "Art Therapy for the Development of Performing Arts and Personal Growth" in which art therapy, meditations, clowning and other techniques converge that I have learned during my personal search journey (from the Osho meditations, to the reiky towards art therapy and Gestalt).
The use of these techniques turns the workshops into something unique, especially thanks to the use of art therapy through which the process of creation is revealed more profound and original.
From the imaginary, stories, characters, tales extracted with the process of artetarpy are created, like hidden treasures that come to light from the depths of the sea.
Something magical happens...the participants become alchemists, coming into contact with their own internal reality to know it, accept it and transform it into something new.
Thus our inner universe comes to life and different art in living as a result of our individual, unique and extraordinary history. It is life that thrives on life. This is Ouroboros.